online Tutorial:KS0345
download code and library:KS0345
In compliance with the tutorial, an electronic scale can be produced by boards, slot connection and wiring.
It also has a membrane keypad, a weighing sensor, a DS3231 module and an LCD 1602 display module Furthermore, the detailed projects will guide you to learn the working principle of sensors and modules.
If interested in STEM and code programming, you can customize your own scale by altering code and adding extra modules. That sounds entertaining, right? Let’s get started!
1.Multi-purpose function:key input and control,1602 display,weighing,counting calculating price,alarm clock,temperature and time display
2.Easy to build:Slot connection and without soldering circuit
3.Novel style:Adopt strong wood board, acrylic board, RGB and LCD 1602 modules.
4.High extension:preserve IIC, UART, SPI ports,and extend other sensors and modules.
5.Basic programming learning:use C language and code.
Input Voltage:7-12V
Working Voltage:5V
Working Current:100mA
Maximum consumption power:1.5W