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Mixly1.0--A superior graphical programming tool
Mixly1.0--A superior graphical programming tool

With the spring up exuberantly of maker education all around the world, maker education courses typified by Arduino are spreading.
Whereas, since Arduino needs to be programmed in C/C++,which is almost impossible for students in the lower age group.
Thus, a superior graphical programming tool, Mixly, was born. It is a graphics programming software with the core of Google Blockly ,
which can replace Arduino IDE software to do various projects.

Mixly is a free open-source graphical Arduino programming software, based on Google’s Blockly graphical programming framework.
It is a free open-source graphical programming tool for creative electronic development,a complete support ecosystem for creative
e-education,a stage for maker educators to realize their dreams.

The following products are using MIXLY!