The BBC micro:bit is a powerful handheld, fully programmable, computer designed by the BBC. It was designed to encourage children to get actively involved in technical activities, like coding and electronics.
It features a 5x5 LED Matrix, two integrated push buttons, a compass, Accelerometer, and Bluetooth.
It supports the PXT graphical programming interface developed by Microsoft and can be used under Windows, MacOS, IOS, Android and many other operating systems without downloading the compiler.
Looking to do more with your BBC micro:bit? Unlock its potential with this Edge Connector Breakout Board Adapter for the BBC micro:bit.
This breakout board has been designed to offer an easy way to connect additional circuits and hardware to the pins on the edge of the BBC micro:bit.
The BBC micro:bit pins are broken out to a row of pin headers. These provide an easy way of connecting circuits using jumper wires.