The keyestudio formaldehyde-toluene-methane-ethanol-tobacco gas sensor is particularly for detecting specific gas contents. It can detect the gas more than 0.1ppm.
It is suitable for detecting various organic volatile components such as formaldehyde, benzene, methane, xylene and ethanol in the air.
The sensor has two pins A0 and D0.
The A0 pin represents the detection of other content. The larger the content, the larger the A0 analog value is.
The D0 pin represents whether the gas content exceeds the zero threshold. When it exceeds, D0 outputs a HIGH level; not exceed, D0 outputs LOW.
We can adjust the zero threshold value by the potentiometer on the back.
The sensor has an LED to indicate whether the gas content exceeds the set zero limit.
The sensor comes with a positioning hole with a diameter of 3.2mm, easy for mounting on other devices.
This sensor can be used with other microcontrollers, such as the Arduino microcontroller.